I'm gonna get a healthy baby;QUESTION: I want to do family, my diabetes is well regulated and I know that during pregnancy the regulation of my diabetes should be flawless. I would like to know how many hazards there to get a healthy baby.ANSWER: The first thing to say is that unfortunately there is no guarantee that everything will go well with your baby, whether you have diabetes or not.There is always a small risk of problems occur in every pregnancy.When a diabetic woman carries, the period of most risk to the baby is when the body and organs are formed, ie the first 12 weeks of gestation. However, it is known that if diabetes receives excellent control during this period, then the risk of defects is reduced dramatically.This means that if you plan your pregnancy and get tips on how to achieve good diabetic control before pregnancy, your baby will be at greater risk than any other baby.However, the need for good control does not stop at 12 weeks of pregnancy, because good control helps to ensure that the baby does not grow too much or does not have breathing problems or hypoglycemia when born.Diabetes will affect the health of my baby;QUESTION: My baby is 6 months and although the health visitor says that behaves normally, I wonder whether the development will be affected because of my diabetes.ANSWER: The shortest answer to this question is: No! A more extensive answer is that a megalx survey conducted in Belfast in 1989 compared to the physical, synaisthimtiki and academic development among children of diabetic mothers and children from non-diabetic women. The results showed that there were no differences between the 2 groups.There are, of course, many factors can influence the development of a child. Hope you are kathysichastiko know that diabetes is not included in these factors.The baby will inherit my diabetes;QUESTION: What are the risks to your child develop diabetes; I diabetes for 12 years.ANSWER: It is very natural to worry about this, and indeed, there is increased likelihood of a child to develop diabetes mellitus.If there is a strong family history of diabetes, the risk is greater. Overall, however, when the mother has diabetes, the likelihood that occur and the child is 2% and if the father has the frequency is 5%. However, what is inherited is the tendency toward diabetes, so there is no way of knowing whether, when and what type of diabetes can develop a child ..Diabetes is a relatively common disorder of glucose (more than 1,000,000 people in the UK have diabetes) that may occur as a result of many factors. Diabetes of parents is only one of them.What is diabetes during pregnancy;QUESTION: I have been told I have diabetes of pregnancy. I am 32 weeks pregnant and treated diet. Can you tell me more about this issue;ANSWER: Diabetes in pregnancy is the term for diabetes that first appears during pregnancy. In most cases (over 90%), disappears after childbirth.Diabetes in pregnancy is usually diagnosed in late pregnancy because this is when the hormone levels of pregnancy is very high. The hormones of pregnancy have the opposite effect than insulin and if not enough insulin is produced, then the levels of sugar in your blood will increase. Then it is shown diabetes. The first sign is usually sugar synithismeni urinalysis during your appointment at the clinic. Some women may be a specific analysis for diabetes because they have symptoms of high blood sugar (eg thirst or large amounts of urine), or because they are particularly at risk because they had developed diabetes in previous pregnancies or because family members have diabetes.Because the existence of sugar in the urine of pregnant is not always indicative of diabetes, a special test is often used for diagnosis of diabetes is known as "endurance test". Treatment of diabetes in pregnancy initially done by diet, but eventually need insulin injections.It is important to carefully check the sugar levels in diabetic pregnancy to prevent weight problems and health of the baby at birth. Therefore, examination of blood sugar at home is an important part of treatment and this technique should be taught when diagnosed with diabetes, so you can check the results of your treatment.Although diabetes usually disappears after pregnancy, childbirth, are likely to recur in later pregnancies. There is also risk of developing diabetes in the future.The levels of blood sugarQUESTION: What should be in my blood sugar during pregnancy;ANSWER: The doctor treating you will tell at what levels should be targeted because these differ from person to person.The main objective is to try to maintain levels of blood glucose as close as possible to normal, which could mean stricter controls blood glucose levels than usual. Your doctor can set acceptable levels should be looking to you before each meal, and 2 to 3 hours after a meal. The pregnancy will almost certainly require more frequent measurements of glucose in the blood.
Feeding bottleQUESTION: I prefer to feed the baby from a bottle instead of breastfeed. How will this affect my diabetes;ANSWER: Sure, use the bottle, unlike with breastfeeding, it affects you physically: no need, for example, eat or drink extra amounts if you feed your baby. This is, perhaps, why give more attention to breastfeeding in the case of diabetes. However, there is no reason not to use the bottle if desired.You may need to check the sugar level in your blood at night when feeding your baby, because the new way of life may mean changes to control your diabetes. It is also good to have lunch with you while you are breastfeeding if your lunch or snack is delayed.Incidentally there is no need for any special care, except to enjoy feeding your baby.Can I conceive normally;QUESTION: Because of my diabetes will be more difficult for me to grasp;ANSWER: When diabetes is properly controlled there is no difference in fertility between diabetic and non diabetic women.This means that if you keep the sugar levels within acceptable frameworks (below 180 mg / dl and 10 mmol / l), then it will not affect the chances of conception.If you do not get pregnant despite the fact that your diabetes is controlled, it is advisable to consult your gynecologist to investigate other possible causes.Diabetic fatherQUESTION: My husband has diabetes and I have just become pregnant. What effect this will have diabetes in my pregnancy;ANSWER: Sometimes. The pregnancy is difficult because of maternal diabetes, but not affected by diabetes father.EVERYTHING RELATING TO YOUR CHILDBIRTHWe have concluded, so reading these texts and talking with other women, that the experiences of childbirth vary. It is not possible to predict how it evolved to give birth and care will need that day.But this should not stop you from examining the different options and of course, like all pregnant women, nearer the time of childbirth, you are employing more and more what you prefer to relieve the pain or the various attitudes of childbirth . Discuss these preferences with the obstetrician and midwife, so be aware.Another reason for discussing the birth with your midwife or obstetrician is to give them the opportunity to explain any special procedures have to do with diabetes. Both research and experience have shown that certain types of birth and procedures are more likely to be needed in diabetes for the mother and her baby to have as few problems. For example:
- Your baby will definitely born in a hospital or clinic. The experts, both in diabetes and for childbirth agree that minimizing any problems to a minimum, the hospital or clinic is the safest place for diabetic mothers and their babies. The home birth is relatively minimal.
- There is an increased likelihood of birth by Caesarean section, either scheduled or as an emergency and what can be done using epidural anesthesia (anesthesia, which is in the area around the spine and temporarily stun the bottom of the body). The epidural anesthesia has the great advantage of leaving the mother awake and gives joy to hear the first cry of the baby.
- It is very likely that the birth will occur around 38 weeks. This is to avoid any problems that occur sometime in late pregnancy, although it rarely happens.
- My baby has diabetes; and
- Will be transferred directly into the chamber for special care; Firstly it is very unlikely to have diabetes, your baby and in fact, has only a modestly increased likelihood to develop later. The sugar in the blood of your baby will be checked one hour after birth and a few more times later during the first 24 hours. This is done with 1 heel prick before feeding the baby, to confirm that it maintains a normal blood sugar level. It may take some time for your baby's pancreas stops producing insulin can cause hypoglycemia in the baby. May in this case to recommend you to feed often.
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