Τετάρτη 17 Αυγούστου 2016

Pregnancy, Diabetes and You, Part II


The combination of pregnancy and diabetes can be a very difficult challenge which, however, has its reward. This article examines the benefits of exercise for the future mother.Before conceptionThis topic has been discussed before, but stressed that care before conception has positive outcomes for diabetic women. Planning for the arrest is critical and almost as exciting as the actual pregnancy. Pregnancy with uncontrolled diabetes means suffering nine months during which the fetus is not given proper growing conditions.Exercising for a few months before pregnancy gives muscles and joints a chance to gain vitality and flexibility. Walking, jogging, cycling and swimming will strengthen the heart and improve circulation, but if this is not your style then consider a kind of exercise that you are entertaining. It is preferable that the body be brought in the same way every day to achieve both excellent diabetic control.Yoga, exercise, the low-intensity aerobic exercise in relation to possible intensity aerobic exercise is much less intense for the knees and spine (as the left foot constantly on the floor) can generally be continued for some time during pregnancy Horseback riding, skiing, diving, hiking, boating and windsurfing are best avoided during pregnancy. Choose an activity you can do yourself when you have time and energy rather than an activity which must be booked in advance or to make a team.During the pregnancyWith pregnancy you will notice that the level of blood sugar tends to fluctuate outside normal limits. The fetus grows rapidly and use your energy for this purpose. May suffer from the usual symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea, vomiting or disgust for certain foods, but usually the period is short. However, it is unlikely that you will want to do a lot of exercise the first 2 months. Obey the needs of your body: it is the surest way to help yourself this season.Exercise when you feel good is not active, but worth the walk as possible. After the first 16 weeks most of the unwanted symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea tend to disappear, leaving many women with a renewed zest for life. Do not panic if you desire to stay in shape is reduced. Exercise in pregnancy should be consistent with the enthusiasm and your energy levels.As your body begins to change (at around 20 weeks) you will notice that the postures of walking, the seat of your sleep is likely to change. As you get older these attitudes may become more awkward postures and learn some relaxation will help you overcome the fatigue that inevitably suffer your spine (see exercises at end of article).Swimming is probably the most enjoyable way to exercise while approaching childbirth and the joy of one is weightless in warm water is indescribable. So incredibly worth going to the pool.Learn to relaxGroups organized relaxation in antenatal clinic will offer tips on what should or should not do the pregnant, breathing for childbirth and exercises to correct posture. Can not you weaken, but will keep you healthy.The groups specifically for pregnant yoga are rare and are generally more suitable for girls who have been involved with yoga.Reflections on good formIf you deal frequently with the performance and want to continue during pregnancy impose tell your teacher that you are diabetic and pregnant in order to more closely monitor your progress.It is wise to remember that your hormones do great things during your pregnancy. A hormone secreted to loosen joints and muscles so that you can meet the demands of childbirth.The hormone remains in excess of normal quantities for a few months after birth so it is worth remembering that the joints and ligaments can be more relaxed than normal and should exercise less than usual.A healthy pregnancy is more likely to facilitate the birth and will help you a lot more confident to handle the changes that brings the arrival of a baby in a family.The following guidelines should be followed:
  • Check the level of blood sugar before you exercise. Depending on the effort required to perform or you can increase carbohydrates during 10 - 20 gr or decrease insulin. Exercise can lower your blood sugar up to half a day and may need to eat more snacks.
  • If any exercise makes you feel uncomfortable, cause nausea, dizziness or pain then STOP. Try again when you feel completely well.
  • If you have abortions, blood loss or complications in previous pregnancies, then it would be like chatting with the exercise program with your doctor before proceeding.
SUGGESTED EXERCISESAlthough there are many exercises that you can do during pregnancy, here we give you a few that are valuable even if your time is minimal and your enthusiasm has diminished.To strengthen the muscles of the pelvic
The pelvic muscles are the muscles that hold the pelvic organs in place bars, whereas weight loss can lead to incontinence or even a drop of vaginal walls.Realizing the importance of these muscles can ease childbirth and are more likely to return to the state it was before pregnancy if strengthened.Lie on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor without alliloagizontai. Put a pillow under your head and let his hands loose at the sides.Your goal is to raise the muscles of the pelvis in young stages of stopping after each tightening. Imagine trying to pick up an imaginary bridge kremmasti within you, breathing lightly. Raise the bridge kremmasti possible higher and then lower it gradually. When I practice this move is easy, then you can do while standing or walking.It only takes a few seconds if it is often essential for faster recovery and sense of wellbeing. (Note: You must have thigh muscles more relaxed as possible while doing the tightness).

To improve postureThe natural attitude changed as the pregnancy progresses, although for many women, the result of tension in the back and muscle fatigue is a burden. Try the following in front of a mirror to improve the way in which "hold" on your spine and neck.Stand in such a way so that your feet are directly under the joints of the thighs. The legs should also be turned slightly outwards. Move your feet forward - behind the toes to the feet to find the midpoint weight distribution on each leg.Bend your knees slightly so that they are more relaxed. Shake the pan while leaning the pubic bone forward - backward to find the midpoint.Peg and the well is your center of gravity. Raise your hand as you above your waist to your chest consciously open. Try to lift a few times in your hand to feel the difference.Pull your shoulders away from ears while lengthen the spine and the neck to the crown.Dangling your nose up - down so that your head moves forward slightly - back and then you balance your head with the chin at right angles to the neck.Where good practice on these points will become habit and will help you fix a tense posture. It is worthwhile to learn.For preparation after birth
This attitude is often taught as a preparatory position for birth. Relaxes the groin and thighs and also stretches the inner thighs.Katheiste the floor with a small pillow under your pelvis and bring the feet together in front of you. Keep your ankles slightly, bringing as close to the pelvis and legs. Try to gently lift the bottom of the spine out of their thighs to turn up the spine. Hold that position for one minute, breathing soft and regular. Out several times to let your knees open and down some more. Always finish these exercises slowly and carefully and thoroughly shake your legs.To strengthen the thighs and drumsticks
The squat strengthens the thighs and legs, stretching the Achilles tendon, muscles in the legs and inner thighs. This is the best way to lean on the floor with less chance to put tension on the spine. You should always be returned to the upright position but, not dizzy.Walk very remote katheiste squat slowly keeping the spine straight with your feet on the floor, trying not to look away either inward or outward. Then try to press their elbows on the inside of the thighs to increase the stretch in the groin. It is not necessary to hold this attitude more than a few seconds each time but the more you practice, the easier it is to rest in this position. During the grief this could be very useful to Rest your back.To strengthen the legs
The legs get tired during pregnancy. Strong muscles will help prevent cramps, stimulate circulation and relieve swollen veins possible.With bare feet standing in front of a wall with the fingers to touch the wall. Stand on tiptoe and off rhythmically for about 8 times and later practicing up to 16 times.Press one leg behind you, bending the front knee slightly (like push, ie the wall). Stretch the back paw to the floor and hold position for a few seconds before changing leg.To improve circulation and overall condition of the bodyTraffic problems occur in some women but by staying active are improving.Put music and just walk on the ground at a normal pace. Use your arms moving forward - back and not worry if you lift your feet high.Walking on the spot for 5 minutes, 2 times a day, occasionally afxanontas time in 10 ', will help to keep blood sugar levels and your spirits high.For relaxationEvery woman has a way to relax during pregnancy which prefers, but when you have only a few minutes at your disposal and you need to recharge, then try the following.Lie on the floor with a pillow under the thighs. Place feet on a wall (about 2 feet from the heart). Straighten legs and close your eyes. Breathe calmly and regularly for about 3 minutes. Lower legs to the floor with knees bent and hands at your sides. Begin with the toes and continue with each body part, ie the fingers, the lower legs, upper legs, abdomen, chest, shoulders, arms, hands, neck and face , whole body, tightening and relaxing each point.

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