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What is Multiple Sclerosis?
1) the MS is not contagious
2) are not mental or nervous disorder
3) the MS is not hereditary
Multiple Sclerosis is the most common neurological disease that affects about 80,000 people in Britain and 250,000 in the U.S. The symptoms have been recognized for a half century and since then extensive research done, yet the cause remains unknown cure.
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease of the central nervous system. The Central Nervous System consists of the brain and spinal cord.
It usually occurs around age 25 and up to 40. Rarely occurs at age 12 and after age 50.
The hardening occurs in countries with a Mediterranean climate and rare in tropical countries.
The symptoms caused by demyelination or in other words the "scars" that appear in the central nervous system. We do not know yet what is causing the demyelination.
The central nervous system
Our brain interprets stimuli that recruit on our senses, gives commands to do various movements and to react to sensory stimuli. This activity of the brain consists of a series of complex communication systems of nerves which starts from the brain through the spinal cord stretches to all parts of the body.
Each nerve can be likened to a power cord. The inner part of the nerve, the shaft is made from a type of tissue that allows communication and carries messages or impulses throughout the body, like the wires of the electric cable. The axis of each nerve is covered by a thick layer of a substance, myelin, like the plastic coating of the electric cable. Myelin helps carry messages from nerve to nerve and insulates and protects nerve.
In multiple sclerosis myelin of the nerve is stimulated and challenged. When the irritation has subsided, and can not leave any scar. But if the demyelination process then continues the myelin is destroyed at that point, leaving a scar called plaque or hardening.
This process is called demyelination. Since the scars are seen in various parts of the brain and / or spinal cord, which is why the disease called Multiple Sclerosis.
Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis
The sclerosis is a disease with many variations. The demyelination can affect both the motive and the sensory nerves and thus affects the movement, the touch and other senses.Symptoms vary greatly depending on which nerves are affected.
There is no single type of multiple sclerosis. Every patient has symptoms that the other may not. But the symptoms of the same person may vary from time to time.
Some of the symptoms are visible but others such as fatigue, emotional changes, memory loss and concentration problems are often symptoms of "hidden" and difficult to describe to others.
There is that "typical" MS. It is a disease "personal" and thus can not be a general description of a certain disease or prognosis.
But there are some symptoms that are common in many patients:
a) diplopsia
b) failure or inability of a limb
c) a change in sensation of hands or feet, such as numbness, often described "as if walking on cotton"
d) dizziness or unsteadiness
e) fatigue that is disproportionate to our operations or unexpected tiredness
f) the need for frequent urination or hasty
Detection of symptoms and diagnosis
It is difficult to make a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis because there is no test by which we can diagnose the disease with 100% certainty. The history of symptoms are usually vague and different symptoms could be symptoms of various other diseases. This can go a long time before we suspect that these symptoms are hardening. Tests are done to exclude the possibility of other diseases and the "s apagogin inappropriate" to lead to a possible diagnosis of MS. This long process of diagnostic uncertainty causes anxiety.
The detection is done in multiple different ways.
Medical history
The doctor usually asks the history of our symptoms. The description of symptoms and our form in which they appear may indicate MS. But a review by the doctor and several tests done and that will enhance the initial suspicion.
Neurological examination
It may be a systematic examination of the nervous system with a series of tests of reflexes (hammer blow to the knee) and measurement of responses to external stimuli (needle prick).
After an extensive neurological examination, the doctor is able to observe any anomalies exist in the nervous system.
But this test alone can not determine the cause of defects and other illnesses because they can cause symptoms similar to those of MS and therefore should be refused the chance to.
Examinations evoked vision and hearing
Demyelination can cause delay in transmitting messages between nerves. Tests evoked count the time it takes the brain to accept and then turn a stimulus. For this purpose, small electrodes placed in the patient's head. These control the electrical impulses in the brain after visual or auditory stimulus. Normally the brain's response to such stimuli is almost instantaneous, but when there is scarring in the central nervous system then delays can occur. This test is not invasive or painful and so the patient does not need to stay in hospital. With this examination the doctor can determine where there are scars, but not the causes scarring.
Lumbar puncture
This test shows whether there are antibodies in the cerebrospinal fluid (the fluid that circulates around the brain and spinal cord). Antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid may be caused by hardening and other neurological disorders. A small amount of fluid removed from the spinal cord with a needle at the height of the lumbar spine.
The test requires the patient to keep still several hours and while this is somewhat inconvenient, the examination itself is not painful because local anesthesia and the patient stays in hospital overnight. The results of this testing can be a sign of multiple sclerosis but is not decisive.
The myelografima is a radiograph of the spinal cord. In considering this colored fluid is injected in the spine and moving along the spinal cord shown in radiography. Thus any obstacle between the nerves will be seen in the radiograph and the doctor will be able to recognize the symptoms of other diseases and the possibility of cure. Like the lumbar puncture, and myelografima the patient may need to stay in hospital for a while but the test is not painful, just uncomfortable.
Magnetic resonance imaging
The MRI examination of recent years. It radiographs of the brain and spinal cord which shows the areas affected by MS. Although this is the only test in which visible multiple, we can not say 100% that they are crucial for the final diagnosis because the detector is not able to detect all regions. He can not prove that all areas with sclerosis is multiple sclerosis but is a strong indication along with the other symptoms of the patient and the doctor's examination.
The diagnosis
The initial symptoms may be vague and confusing to both patients and / the doctor. It is difficult to explain to the doctor we are invisible or subjective symptoms such as fatigue, disturbances of vision and sensing. At first you and not give us very important calling our "neurotic" or "hypochondria." Also, maybe his / her doctor not to tell us anything about curing the appearance of first symptoms. This has some logic because our symptoms may be common with some other diseases and do not reappear.
The honesty between doctor and patient is the connecting link between them.
Many patients express relief at the time of final diagnosis finally learned what they have. It is necessary to follow frequent visits to the doctor so that we as patients and relatives that they may learn to find answers to our questions, get information and work with our feelings.
What is the treatment for MS;
The symptoms of MS are often treated successfully if treatment is given for each one, if and when they occur. The hardening is treated as a whole only when steroids are thrust there because then there is usually inflammation and the symptoms are acute. Steroids inhibit the development of inflammation and thus help in remission or stabilization of symptoms.
There are several drugs prescribed to treat different symptoms such as muscle relaxants for the spasms and cramping or pain given when pain is one of the symptoms. For any form of drug use and should be informed fully and frankly his / her our doctor and to periodically monitor the effectiveness and how we feel about it.
Many patients try alternative forms of treatment such as physiotherapy plays an important role in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Communicating with the doctor we must be open and to ask questions when we have if for example a symptom of MS or not, and should discuss with him when we have questions concerning treatment.
We and our family
The diagnosis of multiple sclerosis can bring disruption to our family life and relationships.However, if we can talk openly and honestly with / partner we might be able to get together even closer to each other and help in these difficult hours.
Also can we find it hard to accept help from others, and they can react with a kind of "indifference" thinking that can help us or trying to help us become overprotective. But all these human reactions and is up to us to maintain our contacts and communication with others. It is difficult to continue our lives as if nothing has happened. The understanding on our part, the part of our partner and our family is often the best answer and most binding.
Children and teens
How many and what they should say to our children?
In young children do not need to say much and will answer their questions when they ask us the same. The children understand instinctively when something is wrong or when we are depressed. We must know, to understand and justify the bizarre and disturbing behavior when they have understood something we did not say anything.
The truth is seldom as scary as our fears.
The Greek Association for hardening has a form called "A mine has multiple" for children from 6-12 years. With this form can be informed children about what is hardening, find explanations for their feelings, read experiences of other children whose parents have MS ...
Older children and teenagers need a very careful approach. Although they look calm exterior and sometimes uninterested in them may be too frightened. Their fears can be overcome slowly with the information. It is best to answer each question to inform them rather than making them a lecture on the subject. You should also feel confident and secure that they can ask us anything they want without being upset and upset us.
Teenagers want to treat them as you would treat an adult if they are not allowed to take an active part and n 'take on responsibilities in relation to the family problem may feel sidelined and hurt even behave violently. But if you encourage their participation and cooperation can show incredible maturity and become a source of strength. The tactic of keeping our worries for us, in no way makes it easier for others.
Relatives and friends
When we learn that MS, in principle we might want to talk to the wider family but later we prefer to keep us a personal affair.
But what to do, to say the most "out" to neighbors, our colleagues?
The skepticism is natural and nobody wants to become a talk about illness only! But curiosity and niaximo and is also something natural and friends want us to help us.
If we are honest with our friends, let them know and tell them that they would ask their help when needed, then we have our supporters and probably will support us in difficult moments.
There is no reason to feel obliged to offer our friends and may be able to repay their help in ways otherwise not have imagined until now. Maybe it's time to learn and take.
We and our doctor
The best way that our doctor can help us is to devote our time to hear their concerns and our problems and to discuss with us. Therefore it is necessary to have very good communication between us because you need him / her to consult other health issues in the future.
Help from your doctor
So far there is no cure for multiple sclerosis, but sometimes coming to awareness "miracle" cures that most have no medical or research base and often give us false hopes and put us in great unnecessary expense.
Some patients resort to alternative medicine solutions might look better but this is not for everyone. In any case, before we begin any treatment alternative medicine is necessary to consult our doctor, the neurologist or the Greek Society for hardening, to save ourselves from pain, expense and frustration.
Our doctor, neurologist or the Company is unable to inform us and advise us when it launches an action that is scientifically and medically proven.
The fact is that there is one and only treatment for MS but our doctor is able to help us.Many of our problems are transient, such as visual disturbances, dizziness, numbness of, disorders of urination. These problems are treated with medication or treatment support such as physiotherapy.
The ups and downs of multiple
Multiple transitions can present impulses and seizures or progressive escalating symptoms.
During the impulses appear new symptoms or old symptoms reappear which had subsided. This may be due to inflammation of the nerves, demyelination in a new area or expansion of demyelination in an area already affected.
The pulses can last from a few days to months, and can be mild or very severe. These pulses begin with no particular reason but it is possible to start from a communicable disease from an injury or stress.
Some of us can feel and transient exacerbation of symptoms when one of the old symptoms appear for a short period eg for a few minutes or days.
When the symptoms disappear completely thrust or a few, we say that we are in a recession that may last weeks, months or even years.
It is impossible to predict how the disease evolved because the form of attacks and remissions varies from person to person. This is something we must accept without anxious for the future. The period of the impulses is certainly unpleasant, but for many of our symptoms go away and enjoy a time of recession.
The hardening again, may not present an alternative form of "best" and "worse", but symptoms can increase gradually over a period of many years and may then be more difficult to understand the "better" than the "worst" periods .
The feeling of loss
Most likely to be upset when they learn for the first time that we sclerosis. So far we enjoyed our good health and it is difficult to believe that we have somehow betrayed. It's hard to believe that someone has grabbed our health. Can still be felt strongly the injustice of "Why me, why now."
Such feelings may resemble what we get when a relative or friend dies, and sometimes it takes us a long time to understand their meaning.
These feelings are a perfectly normal reaction, and while we all suffer in some way, some of us react more strongly than others. It is necessary therefore to give ourselves and our loved ones time to mourn the loss of our health.
When we learn the diagnosis of MS is more likely to be shocked and "lose them". Even can feel great anger and denial and continue to live as if nothing was.
When these feelings subsided, we begin to acknowledge the new situation and adjust our lives accordingly. Then we feel more confident with ourselves and more able to cope. It is a great help to talk about the situation to someone outside our immediate family, people detached from our problem, to understand these changes emotions. There are friends, family physician, psychologist. Even we can call and the Greek Society for hardening to talk with someone even anonymously.
In a chronic disease like MS, which shows alternating impulses and recessions are natural and have similar psychological variations of acceptance and denial of illness and then you may need the help of a psychotherapist.
We need to find someone / s who to trust and fully / not that we can confide all our anxieties in order to help us understand our fears and overcome them.
Life Position
Not only is our natural state, which undermines our health and the emotional and psychological well-being plays a big role in our health, physical and spiritual.
Most likely is that the symptoms of the illness do not allow us to continue the same lifestyle or make everything we did before. It is therefore natural to hurt and mourn the loss of these skills and may need some time to manage to get through.
However, LET'S THINK POSITIVE, as much as we can!
For everything that we can not do in the old way, there's a new way. For everything that we can do is nothing new that we can start. This of course requires great effort, determination and courage but is essential to be able to focus our attention on our abilities rather than our weaknesses. Even you may need to redefine our priorities and to somehow redefine our capabilities and our interests.
When we desire to adjust and when we exploit the skills and capabilities at the highest level, we find this peace of mind that helps us to maintain our health and mental well-being feeling. It is preferable to what we succeed spite in what we can of failure in what we can't.
The main points to help curingOur life does not end with curing. Maybe it means a change in lifestyle that suits our current capabilities.The golden rule is n 'as close as possible to a healthy life. This will prevent other diseases, so we will be stronger to cope with MS.DietA balanced diet ensures that all vitamins and minerals are essential in our bodies, which gives us health and wellness. Consists of a diet low in animal fats because only polyunsaturated fats nourish the nervous system.ExerciseRegular exercise is essential for maintaining good health and should we practice according to our abilities because each intense exercise can bring great fatigue.Regular light exercise ensures muscle tone and gives us a sense of wellbeing.We can choose any form of exercise we like, and this will benefit us greatly. The physiotherapist is able to show us exercises we can do it ourselves at home on a daily basis.Rest / relaxationIt is necessary to have hours of rest to be able to cope with everyday life. Stress and tension affect the hardening, so the rest and relaxation help us to "replenish our batteries." Yoga helps because we found that a combination of light exercise and relaxation.To update ourThe Greek Association for hardening has several brochures on hardening their number is constantly growing. Also published bimonthly newspaper and sent to members.Also in Athens working with a psychologist and social services of CSD-SE (former American Base Greek) and the physician promptly and physiotherapy center. In the same area by meetings of members every three weeks and lectures on various topics and meetings with entertainment.Where can we go for helpGeneral PhysicianNeed to consult a general practitioner or family doctor if we are worried about any health issue.NeurologistNeurologists are medical experts who make the diagnosis and provide treatment for diseases of the nervous system. A neurologist can refer our physicians or to visit private.PhysiotherapistsPhysiotherapists can help with problems of mobility, balance and movement. In physiotherapist refers us our doctor or neurologist us.OccupationalThe occupational therapists can help us and give us practical advice for everyday life and how to shape our space, to be independent.SpeechThe therapists assess and treat people who have difficulty speaking, swallowing or communication. (In this issue of Disability Now magazine published a list of all of Greek speech therapist).Social WorkersThe role of his / her social / s function is to appreciate with stakeholders and their families needs. Also define what kind of help is that we need, tell us about the various welfare benefits and help us gain our independence.Specialists for incontinenceMany nursing homes now have doctors and nurses for incontinence. They determine the nature of our problem and we suggest the appropriate treatment and treatment method.PsychologistsOur doctor can tell us a psychologist or psychiatrist who will help us to accept the new situation and to face life all taking advantage of current capabilities.Source:
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