The form is a contribution of the Department of Labour Inspection in implementing the National Drugs Strategy 2009 to 2012. The contents of the form (text below) was based on Code of Practice International Labour Organisation entitled "Management of alcohol and drug related issues in the workplace".
The use of alcohol and other addictive substances in the workplace, increasing concern to both employers and institutions involved in the matter of making the policy and is a very important aspect of working life. (The term "other addictive substances" includes all legal and illegal addictive substances such as cannabis, hashish, Ecstasy pills, cocaine and heroin, and tobacco and excessive consumption of prescription drugs.)
The use of alcohol and other addictive substances may be the result of personal, family, employment and social problems, but the combination of the above.
The consequences of using alcohol and other addictive substances expand and work lives, severely affecting both health and welfare of workers, and in the work leading to high rates of absenteeism, accidents, disease and mortality, reducing productivity and even loss of employment with all its attendant individual, social and economic level. Since the problem is multiple, therefore there are multiple approaches to prevention, assistance, treatment and rehabilitation of employees who are experiencing this specific problem.
The aim of this paper is to provide guidelines for the prevention, reduction and management problems associated with alcohol and other addictive substances in the workplace.
The extent of the problem on a global basis
Research has shown that:
- The rate of absenteeism of persons receiving alcohol and other substances is two to three times greater than that of other workers.
- The substance dependent people claiming sickness benefit at a rate three times higher than other workers and compensation at a rate five times higher than other workers.
- In some workplaces, a rate 20 to 25% of accidents involved ousioexartimenoi who either get injured by themselves or injure others.
Meanwhile, areas of increased risk are:
- the beverage and food industry
- the transport sector
- the field of maritime operations
- the construction sector
- the area of assembly
- environment of the Army
- the entertainment sector.
Effects ...
... For the worker:
The consumption of alcohol and other addictive substances can result in harm, injury, disobedience, family problems, job loss and hence to social exclusion.
... For the employer:
The consumption of alcohol and other addictive substances by employees can lead to security problems affecting the company's workforce and the general public, issues bring increased costs, reduced productivity and loss of competitiveness of the company.
Responsibilities of employers
01. Shaping policy on alcohol and other addictive substances in the workplace
The employer shall, in consultation with employees and their representatives, to formulate a written company policy on alcohol and other addictive substances in the workplace. For the preparation of this policy, the employer shall, where practicable, work with specialists and experts in the field of addiction. (See annex contact details in the text.)
The policy must include:
- Measures to reduce the problems associated with alcohol and other addictive substances through appropriate staff management, good employment practices, improved working conditions and consultation between management and workers or their representatives.
- Measures to prohibit or restrict the availability of alcohol and other addictive substances in the workplace.
- Prevent problems associated with alcohol and other addictive substances in the workplace by providing information, education, training and other related programs, always with the help of specialists in the prevention of addiction.
- Identification and referral to counseling and treatment centers, those experiencing problems related to alcohol and other addictive substances.
- Facilities for purposes of accessibility to treatment and rehabilitation to those who encounter problems related to alcohol and other addictive substances.
- Providing equal opportunities to individuals facing or have faced in the past problems with alcohol and other addictive substances under Cypriot law.
02. Identification and assessment of the problem
The employer in consultation with employees and their representatives must carry identification and assessment of the problem by using, inter alia, the following indicators and points:
- National or local surveys in relation to alcohol and substances in the country or community / geographic region. (For inquiries contact the National Centre for Documentation and Information on Drugs - EKTEPN website
- Surveys relating to similar companies.
- Absences without a medical poistopoiitiko and late arrival at work.
- Number and frequency of absences with medical certificate.
- Frequency of accidents.
- Frequency of travel staff.
- Alcohol consumption in the canteen / dining area of the business.
- Views of supervisors and managers, workers and their representatives, and security functions.
03. Provide and maintain safe and healthy working environment
Pursuant to the provisions of the Safety and Health at Work Laws 89 (I) of 1996 to 2003 and the regulations governing safety and health at work, employers should:
- Adopt good management practices and fair employment practices, to organize work in such a way as to avoid creating unnecessary stress and physical or mental pressure.
- Take action, such information and education to improve the working environment to prevent problems associated with alcohol and other addictive substances.
- Cooperate with the competent authorities if they suspect that the workplace is under their control are actions involving the use of alcohol or other addictive substances.
- Develop a system to maintain the confidentiality of information going into these and related problems associated with alcohol and other addictive substances.
- Consult with their employees and their representatives for formulation and implementation of directives and regulations on this issue.
- Approach and seek guidance and specialist services to develop and implement a policy on alcohol and addictive substances in the workplace.
Obligations of Employees:
Employees and their representatives are required to:
- Respect and apply all laws and regulations related to alcohol and other addictive substances in the workplace.
- Cooperate with the employer's attempt to prevent accidents due to adverse effects of alcohol and other addictive substances.
- Cooperate with their employer to maintain safe and healthy workplace conditions and flying to the attention of the conditions that encourage or lead to alcohol and other addictive substances and to suggest remedial measures in this.
- Cooperate with the employer to develop and implement policy for alcohol and other addictive substances in the workplace.
- Here are the rules and instructions of the employer in relation to alcohol and other addictive substances in the workplace and participate actively in the preparation of such rules and guidelines through consultation and discussion where required by legislation and collective agreements.
- Cooperate and take part in programs on alcohol and other addictive substances provided by the employer.
- They help people with problems related to alcohol use and other exartisiogononousion in an attempt to reintegrate.
Employees have the right to their privacy be respected.
For information about health and safety at work, you can visit the Department of Labour Inspection: or go to the District Labour Inspection Offices in all cities.
Nicosia: 22789191
Limassol: 25827200
Larnaca: 24805327
Famagusta: 23819750
Paphos: 26822715
1. HotlinesCyprus has the following hotlines, which provide information, guidance and / or counseling on addictive substances and also provide the option of referring the person:
Center for Adolescent and Family Counseling "Perseus"
Tel: 1456
Addicts Treatment Unit (THEMEA) - Legal Substances
Tel: 22458518
Cyprus Youth Organization
Tel: 1410
Drugs Fight Department (YKAN), Cyprus Police
Tel: 1498
Youth Board of Cyprus - Department of Prevention
Tel: 22402698
Program "Protasi" - Consulting Services Youth Board of Cyprus - Information Center
Tel: 22402613
Program "Protasi" - Consulting Services Youth Board of Cyprus - Information Center
Tel: 22402613
Center for Adolescent and Family Counseling "Perseus"
Tel: 25305079
Center for Primary Prevention of Substance Use Dependency "Mekri Arctus"
Tel: 25443078
Program "Protasi" - Consulting Services Youth Board of Cyprus - Limassol Multispace
Tel: 25871471
Program "Protasi" - Consulting Services Youth Board of Cyprus - Information Center
Tel: 26306219
Lions Quest Foundation Cyprus
Tel: 22315113
Link KENTHEA Nicosia
Tel: 99644644
Department of Prevention KENTHEA
Tel: 24531818
Association of Drug Fighting Larnaca
Tel: 24813590
Anti-drug association "Aspis"
Tel: 25337016
Anti-drug association of Paphos
Tel: 26941919
Advisory Station "Toxotes" (Substance dependence, gamble)
Tel: 22875575
Advisory Station "Ayia Skaepi"
Tel: 22347720
Advisory Station "Ayia Skaepi"
Tel: 25770348
Prevention and Advisory Station KENTHEA "Odisseus"
Tel: 99403606
For information on the Therapeutic Continuum the website of Antidrug Association (ASK) in
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