Five years after September 11, it seems that more and more questioning the official version of the U.S. government. However, controversies exist within the hand improbable theories and imaginative scenarios, but some of them have a sense. An organization of scientists founded in the U.S. last December, entitled "Academics on the truth of 11ns September" (Scholars for 9 / 11 truth), aims at finding the truth in the events that changed the world - for the worse of course.A recent poll shows that 36% of Americans sees prejudice the positions of the government on the issue. Many Americans now express their doubts. To CNN recently did a poll with the question "Do you think that alternative theories about what happened on September 11 is reliable?" And 70% answered "yes"!An American newspaper called them "teachers of insanity." Trying to prove that what we read and heard on September 11, was just a perfect scam directed against all humanity and especially the American people. But scientists are not conspiracy or some imaginative, let alone outsiders. Are professors and other intellectuals who see completely different terrorism. The "Scholars for Truth of 11/09" offer their own alternative view of events. Use scientific language, as they say, experimental data, while not fail to accuse the Bush administration for mass crimes against own people.The organization's founder James Fetzer (James Fetzer) is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Minnesota and is the one who gave an interview to Eleftherotypia on the events of September 11 on the side of the Organisation:-How did you decide for this crusade?"I am not only a philosopher interested in the truth. I am a philosopher of science who knows that science is the only proven method we have to discover the truth. And when you add the scientific truth and the interest of prosperity of the country, see I had no choice but to get involved in it. "- The government, therefore, lied?"Worse. If our research is correct, the U.S. government has used violence and threats of violence to settle for fear the American people, for us to manipulate the political aspirations. This is the definition of terrorism. Which means, if our research is correct, that the U.S. government carries terror to the American people. This should be done. "-Why do this?"The military-industrial complex brings a lot of money. Many people gain personally. Companies like Halliburton manage hundreds of billion dollars. There is personal gain, but also the pursuit of power. These people seem to have an insatiable thirst for power. The President Dick Cheney, Donald and Paul Wolfowitz Ramsfelt, want to create an American empire. We have said! told us what they want to do. They designed a detailed plan. It's called "Project for New American Century" (a neoconservative think tank that created in 1997 and then manned the Bush administration). Since the initiators of the program believed that American people would be willing to incur financial losses and sacrifices of its own children to support their plan for bases around the world and particularly in the Middle East to control oil stocks . Besides if there was a terrible traumatic event, similar to Pearl Harbor. "-It is not difficult to execute such a plan and not to grasp?"There was a security issue on the twin towers two weeks before 11/09. The buildings were closed, officials were sent to their homes, security cameras went off and groups alleged engineers went inside. It was time to put the explosives. Stephen Jones , Professor of Physics at the University BYU, has calculated that they needed only ten visits to ten people to "plant" explosives. The company responsible for the security of World Trade Center was Securecom. One of the directors was Marvin Bush, brother President Bush, and another cousin. As they say, and the courts, were the motive, means and opportunity. "
Left: Professor of physics at the University of Brigham Young. His interests are related to nuclear fusion and solar energy. It is co-editor of the journal Journal of 9 / 11 Studies-If you classify the show as a list, what would you consider most important?"The physical findings are the foundation of our analysis. The government's view breaks the laws of physics and engineering and can not be true. For example, each building had 47 steel columns in the core, interconnected in a complex structure. They could to support ten times as much weight they had. The most important is that the government says was the collision with the aircraft and fire from the fuel that led to vertical disintegration. But the buildings were designed to withstand a collision with an airplane. The Ntemartini Frank, who was coordinating the construction of the twin towers, says the airplane collision with buildings, even if it were multiple, would be proportional to the pinning pencils in a mosquito net.
Right: The steel skeleton melts at 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit rather than the 1,800 that can reach the burning fuel. In no giant explosion of building what was inside (desks, furniture and people) was literally dust. This required enormous energy and not only the explosion of fuel from aircraftSecond: The higher the temperature at which they can reach the burning aviation fuel, in ideal conditions and plenty of available oxygen is 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit. These fires burned much lower. Black smoke coming out signals that were much lower. In laboratory experiments was estimated to burn approximately 500 degrees. The steel skeleton of the building melts at 2,800 degrees, ie 1,000 degrees above the highest temperature could be caused by the fuel. Moreover, again according to the experiments, the steel could withstand a temperature of 2,000 degrees for six consecutive hours without apparent fatigue shown. In one building, the south tower, which fell first - and was the second hit - collapsed or rather disappeared after one hour. The north tower after a half hour. Thus, the fires burned at a much lower temperature and for a much shorter time, to weaken the steel.It could be melted, as the government, because the steel will not weaken under these circumstances.Furthermore, discussions with civil engineers have convinced me that the design of the building was such that it would not make vertical collapse. There is a single scenario to become a vertical collapse. I had all the support columns to be cut at the same time. This is totally ridiculous! There is no way to do this through the heat. It can only be done mechanically or by using explosives. "-There was a count in seconds of the fall
The plane did little damage to the Pentagon, they say, and debris is enough to show the impact of a Boeing."This is terribly important. The buildings literally blown up from top to bottom. Blown! None floor did not budge. He observed that all the floors remain stable. The gigantic blast what was inside (desks, furniture and people) was literally dust. You do not see objects just fine dust particles. This required enormous energy and not only the explosion of fuel. The shots you can see huge successive explosions. And it all happened very quickly. The official committee which investigated the matter referred to page 305 of the finding that the south tower fell in 10 seconds. The north tower fell in 11 seconds. The amazing thing is that if I let an object fall from that height would reach the ground in 12 seconds! This means that the buildings fell rapidly greater than free fall. There was the slightest resistance from the lower floors. It is a phenomenon that can not be explained with physics, without massive use of explosives. "-What was the third building?"There was the World Trade Center 7, which fell to 5.20 in the afternoon. This was a building with 47 floors, which was not hit by an airplane and had no fire of fuel. Silverstain Larry, who was renting, had locked in a terrorist attack six weeks before about 3.5 billion dollars. It was a classic controlled demolition using explosives. All floors began to move simultaneously. It's just what we see in demolition hotels and casinos in Las Vegas. Commentators who described said it looked like a controlled demolition. exactly what it was! This building fell to 6.6 seconds and the free fall from that height is 6 seconds, but it was a very compact structure that housed a generator producing electricity for the region. "-How many members has your team?"We are more than 300. At least 200 have research capabilities and 85 have academic qualifications and equipment."
Left: The Mystery of the 47orofo Building 7 remains some unresolved. Collapsed at 5.20 pm, although not hit by aircraft. Secured from terrorist attack six evdomade5 before September 11 - and those who observed the fall, left with the impression that this was a classic controlled demolition-Last had a view of the media. Are you satisfied or think conceal the affair?"At the symposium we have been great coverage. They talked three other members, Jones mentioned earlier, Bob Bowman, who was director of the program is Star Wars (missile defense the U.S.) both democratic and a republican government, and Webster Tarplei , is author of "11/09 Synthetic Terror." There is enormous interest in the subject and the quality and size of growing interest. Of course, there are rabid counterattacks, attempting to stain us as individuals and as with our findings . But it will lessen, because the discoveries are based on scientific research. "-Do you think the Americans will eventually accept your version?"Acceptance is growing, as we more and more speeches and presentations given more essays and books, there are discussions on radios and televisions. More and more Americans wake up and understand that the government tells them huge lie. Just as Hitler seduced the German people a huge lie. "-They come to you relatives of the victims?"The brother of a woman killed in plane hit the Pentagon sought to learn what we know about the case. I explained the limits on what we know and what is not. What we do know is that Flight 11 disappeared from radar near the border of Kentucky in Ohio. Another plane seems to replace close to Washington. After they had hit the towers, Norman Mineta (pp: Minister of Transport), according to official submission to the Research Committee, went to a basement focal where was Dick Cheney's head. The Mineta heard one young man says every so often to Cheney: "Sir, is 50 miles away." "Sir, is 30 miles away." "Sir, is 10 miles away. Orders are still valid? "Cheney returned annoyed and said:" Of course applicable orders, hear something different? "Orders must be not to shoot down the plane. The obvious would be to drop it. Would lose passengers, but will not lose both your personal goal. If he had been ordered to be demolished, it was refuted. The Pentagon is probably the building with the best defensive system of the world. Thus, the fact is that the plane was shot down because there were no orders. "-You say and more for the Pentagon ..."From our studies it seems that what hit the Pentagon was a plane considerably less than Boeing 151, which can be fired a rocket at the building before falling onto the same, in order to create the impression of great loss. There was almost complete absence of debris the proper varieties and quantities. There was devastated fuselage, no wings, seats, bodies, luggage. There was no tail, that building is one of the strongest parts of the airplane. Not even the machines that are virtually indestructible.In fact, the initial impact point is 10 feet tall and 60 feet wide and can see a fence that is not broke and some cars there, with unbroken windows. The Pentagon released a few videos under the pressure of traditional research. And the video does not show when they should, a Boeing 757. The 151 is 150 feet long. The Pentagon is only 71 feet tall. This means that the plane is twice the length of the building height. If there was supposed to appear in the video.Even we aeronautical who say the government's view that the plane crashed 130 miles per hour is physically impossible with the laws of aerodynamics. If coming along the ground, as they say, would create a huge cloud of air pressure. If you fall at an angle would create a huge crater. "
Right: The buildings fell too quickly and this can only be done using large quantities of explosivesAre there documents that the government keeps secrets and ask to be released?"Of course! For example, the Pentagon covered everywhere by cameras. We estimate that there are at least 84 videos that show what happened at the Pentagon. But the public. We have a website on which we gather signatures to publicly available information which we divide into twenty different categories . Photographs, transcripts from airlines, etc. If you visit, you will see that the government withholds information from any significant part of the official account of Sept. 11. It's disgusting! "Now, President Bush look like enemies Syria and Iran. Think will be a new war?"I do not think China and Russia to agree. The Chinese have major oil agreements and the Russians participating in peaceful nuclear program of Iran. Experts say there is no threat. In fact, published a letter recently from 21 generals, admirals and officers the defense industry that says there is no crisis. It's all swollen and mislead us again. The problem is that this government, when in political difficulty, likes to threaten terrorists to survive. This case with so-called liquid bombs is totally ridiculous and had very little impact on the American people. Those who mingled seems they had the ingredients, many do not even have passports. It took a great chance to put these liquids on a plane and then measuring and needed a lot of time in a lab. absurd. The anniversary comes in conjunction with the growing interest in research on September 11, I think that the government needed an alarm to another terrorist attack. To refresh the fear helps her manipulative the American people. "Do you believe that it is likely to happen in the future a new September 11?"This is our biggest fear. That will set up another deliberate attack. For example, you could build a similar situation as an excuse to attack Iran. But Iran is very well equipped. This will not only jeopardize the Third World War II, but it will weaken the U.S. armed forces. These acts do not make America stronger, but much weaker. Already, as the government competes with so many countries has dramatically increased the danger to U.S. security. When Bush called "The president's security" is nothing but a sick joke. "-But Al Qaeda is. So is not it?"I think there is a genuine al-Qaeda. Basically we are the we made in Afghanistan. On supported getting rid of the forces of the Soviet Union and when he ended the raison d'être, was transformed into an independent force. And there is no doubt that Iraq is now converted into space terrorist training. It was not till invade, but it is now. "
The interview was given to John Bogiopoulos and published in Eleftherotypia on 10/9/2006
Source: Eleftherotypia, September 2006

Right: The steel skeleton melts at 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit rather than the 1,800 that can reach the burning fuel. In no giant explosion of building what was inside (desks, furniture and people) was literally dust. This required enormous energy and not only the explosion of fuel from aircraftSecond: The higher the temperature at which they can reach the burning aviation fuel, in ideal conditions and plenty of available oxygen is 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit. These fires burned much lower. Black smoke coming out signals that were much lower. In laboratory experiments was estimated to burn approximately 500 degrees. The steel skeleton of the building melts at 2,800 degrees, ie 1,000 degrees above the highest temperature could be caused by the fuel. Moreover, again according to the experiments, the steel could withstand a temperature of 2,000 degrees for six consecutive hours without apparent fatigue shown. In one building, the south tower, which fell first - and was the second hit - collapsed or rather disappeared after one hour. The north tower after a half hour. Thus, the fires burned at a much lower temperature and for a much shorter time, to weaken the steel.It could be melted, as the government, because the steel will not weaken under these circumstances.Furthermore, discussions with civil engineers have convinced me that the design of the building was such that it would not make vertical collapse. There is a single scenario to become a vertical collapse. I had all the support columns to be cut at the same time. This is totally ridiculous! There is no way to do this through the heat. It can only be done mechanically or by using explosives. "-There was a count in seconds of the fall

Left: The Mystery of the 47orofo Building 7 remains some unresolved. Collapsed at 5.20 pm, although not hit by aircraft. Secured from terrorist attack six evdomade5 before September 11 - and those who observed the fall, left with the impression that this was a classic controlled demolition-Last had a view of the media. Are you satisfied or think conceal the affair?"At the symposium we have been great coverage. They talked three other members, Jones mentioned earlier, Bob Bowman, who was director of the program is Star Wars (missile defense the U.S.) both democratic and a republican government, and Webster Tarplei , is author of "11/09 Synthetic Terror." There is enormous interest in the subject and the quality and size of growing interest. Of course, there are rabid counterattacks, attempting to stain us as individuals and as with our findings . But it will lessen, because the discoveries are based on scientific research. "-Do you think the Americans will eventually accept your version?"Acceptance is growing, as we more and more speeches and presentations given more essays and books, there are discussions on radios and televisions. More and more Americans wake up and understand that the government tells them huge lie. Just as Hitler seduced the German people a huge lie. "-They come to you relatives of the victims?"The brother of a woman killed in plane hit the Pentagon sought to learn what we know about the case. I explained the limits on what we know and what is not. What we do know is that Flight 11 disappeared from radar near the border of Kentucky in Ohio. Another plane seems to replace close to Washington. After they had hit the towers, Norman Mineta (pp: Minister of Transport), according to official submission to the Research Committee, went to a basement focal where was Dick Cheney's head. The Mineta heard one young man says every so often to Cheney: "Sir, is 50 miles away." "Sir, is 30 miles away." "Sir, is 10 miles away. Orders are still valid? "Cheney returned annoyed and said:" Of course applicable orders, hear something different? "Orders must be not to shoot down the plane. The obvious would be to drop it. Would lose passengers, but will not lose both your personal goal. If he had been ordered to be demolished, it was refuted. The Pentagon is probably the building with the best defensive system of the world. Thus, the fact is that the plane was shot down because there were no orders. "-You say and more for the Pentagon ..."From our studies it seems that what hit the Pentagon was a plane considerably less than Boeing 151, which can be fired a rocket at the building before falling onto the same, in order to create the impression of great loss. There was almost complete absence of debris the proper varieties and quantities. There was devastated fuselage, no wings, seats, bodies, luggage. There was no tail, that building is one of the strongest parts of the airplane. Not even the machines that are virtually indestructible.In fact, the initial impact point is 10 feet tall and 60 feet wide and can see a fence that is not broke and some cars there, with unbroken windows. The Pentagon released a few videos under the pressure of traditional research. And the video does not show when they should, a Boeing 757. The 151 is 150 feet long. The Pentagon is only 71 feet tall. This means that the plane is twice the length of the building height. If there was supposed to appear in the video.Even we aeronautical who say the government's view that the plane crashed 130 miles per hour is physically impossible with the laws of aerodynamics. If coming along the ground, as they say, would create a huge cloud of air pressure. If you fall at an angle would create a huge crater. "

The interview was given to John Bogiopoulos and published in Eleftherotypia on 10/9/2006
Source: Eleftherotypia, September 2006
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